Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"The Office" Technology Classroom

How accurate do you think this is? Is this what you see in most of your classes? If you were a teacher, how would you use technology in the classroom? What suggestions do you have to make the integration of technology more relevant?

Do you think that technology can help make a lesson better? Can you think of a class that you like specifically because of the technology? Is there a class that you don't enjoy? Do you think that you would be more motivated in that class if technology were used? Why or why not?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Watch What You Post On The Internet

After watching this PSA about posting on the Internet, think about the type of status updates/pictures/messages that you post on the Internet. Please comment on the following:

Have you ever posted something that you wouldn't want strangers to see or read? Have you ever read something on the Internet that a friend posted that you think she/he shouldn't have? Have you ever uploaded a video to YouTube that has your friends in it? If yes, did you check with your friends to make sure they were okay with you posting it? How can you be sure that no one but your friends can see your pictures and updates?