Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Watch What You Post On The Internet

After watching this PSA about posting on the Internet, think about the type of status updates/pictures/messages that you post on the Internet. Please comment on the following:

Have you ever posted something that you wouldn't want strangers to see or read? Have you ever read something on the Internet that a friend posted that you think she/he shouldn't have? Have you ever uploaded a video to YouTube that has your friends in it? If yes, did you check with your friends to make sure they were okay with you posting it? How can you be sure that no one but your friends can see your pictures and updates?


  1. Yeah, I've posted pictures pf me, but not bad ones, because I know what could happen. But I have seen people who don't care what other people see, and I know that that could turn out badly for them

  2. make sure you profile is set so only you and your friends can see you status/pictures

  3. I havn't posted anything, but i know some poeple who dont care and post anything and let everyone see it but i think most people changed their privacy setting after thye assembly on cyber bullying.

  4. I think that it is sad that some people dont pay attention to this

  5. I think that's really creepy especially the dude who asked about her underwear because no adult does that it's harassment.

  6. Make sure your profile is set so only friends can see pictures.

  7. Well i have a facebook and on my privacy settings only my friends can see my wall and people not friends with me cant even see my info just my name so im pretty safe.

  8. no i havnt posted anything i wouldnt want anyone to see. No i havnt posted a video of my friend but i know someone who did

  9. I think people should pay more attention to the stuff they put on the internet.

  10. This is plain CREEPY. Some people can be so stupid to post thee kind of things on the internet. Everyone can see them and there was even once when some people that reveiw your college application they look you up on the internet, and if something like that is on there, you can say goodbye to that college.

  11. I have never done anything like this but if someone did this to me I wouldn't like it.

  12. I am in the Eighth grade and I do not have a Face Book account but I do have a blog. On my blog I do not have anything inappropriate or that tells were I live. I put things on that is going on in my life that is not private to me or my family.

  13. I do not have a facebook and now i understand why my parents do not want me to get one. There are many dangers in posting things. Strangers can find out about you and also strangers can come up to you (like they did in the video). You really have to watch what you post because it can really affect your future. Colleges look at things like that and if you have a history of posting innapropriote things then you wont get into a very good college. Be careful with what you put on the internet.
