With so many technology advances, it is sometimes hard for school districts to keep up financially. Blogs are a great way to engage students in meaningful discussions, and they are free!
On Thursday, December 2nd and Friday, December 3rd the 8th grade students at our school went on a class trip to New York City. Every group attended an NBC Studio Tour, but the rest of the day was planned by the individual groups and their chaperone. Some students went to the MOMA, some to the Sony Wonder Techno Lab, to St. Patrick's Cathedral, or just to special landmarks like Rockefeller Center and Times Square.
Reflecting on your experience, please write a response on this blog. What were some of the places you visited? Please include one positive comment on any particular aspect of the day.
Do you think that this trip was worthwhile, and should we continue to offer this trip for 8th grade students in the future?
How accurate do you think this is? Is this what you see in most of your classes? If you were a teacher, how would you use technology in the classroom? What suggestions do you have to make the integration of technology more relevant?
Do you think that technology can help make a lesson better? Can you think of a class that you like specifically because of the technology? Is there a class that you don't enjoy? Do you think that you would be more motivated in that class if technology were used? Why or why not?
After watching this PSA about posting on the Internet, think about the type of status updates/pictures/messages that you post on the Internet. Please comment on the following:
Have you ever posted something that you wouldn't want strangers to see or read? Have you ever read something on the Internet that a friend posted that you think she/he shouldn't have? Have you ever uploaded a video to YouTube that has your friends in it? If yes, did you check with your friends to make sure they were okay with you posting it? How can you be sure that no one but your friends can see your pictures and updates?
It is wrong to stay quiet when you see someone being bullied. It is hard to stand up to a bully - especially if the bully is one of the school leaders. Some people worry that if they speak up, they will be the next person to be the target of the bully. But, when one person speaks out against a bully, it empowers others to do the same thing.
How did you feel at first when everyone was circling around the victim and shouting? What was your reaction when the first student came forward? Have you ever been in a position where you got to stand up for someone else? How did it make you feel?
Waiting for Superman is a movie focusing on the problems affecting schools and students today. Do you think that you are learning in a positive environment? Do you believe that your teachers are truly trying to help you achieve your highest potential? Do you feel that your teachers care about you? If you were asked to offer advice on how schools could help children in a better way, what would you say?
Recently, our school held an assembly on cyberbullying. It seems to be a problem that is growing worse! Ryan Halligan was in 8th grade when he committed suicide, after several years of bullying at school and online. His father, John Halligan, speaks to students across the country about his son in the hopes of preventing this from happening to anyone else. John has been outspoken about the need for more education and prevention of bullying, cyber bullying and teen suicide throughout the United States and Canada. His son’s story and his accomplishments in response to this tragedy have been told world-wide by print, radio and TV.
After watching this video, I want you to think about how Ryan must have felt. Then, answer this question: If you knew that someone was being cyberbullied, what could you do to help?
How accurate do you think this is? Is this what you see in most of your classes? If you were a teacher, how would you use technology in the classroom? What suggestions do you have to make the integration of technology more relevant?